Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to Spot the Signs of Alcohol or Drug Abuse in Adolescent and Teen Boys

 Drug Abuse

Do you suspect that your teen is using drugs or alcohol or using drugs? Have you noticed changes in your teen that are not normal? As a parent it is normal to be concerned when your child is exhibiting changes in behavior or mood. Parents are not always aware of the signs of alcohol or drug abuse in today’s busy world. In addition substance abuse symptoms are different in boys than in girls, so it is easy to miss. For instance girls are more likely to engage in self-harming behaviors when they are using in comparison to boys. By looking for the signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol use in your adolescent or teen son, you can become aware of potential use help your teen get help before the abuse turns into dependence.

Here are some of the risk factors that puts your teen at risk of drug or alcohol abuse. Common risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse among teens include:

·         A history of substance abuse and dependence in close relatives
·         Few positive peer influences
·         A weak support system at home and school
·         A history of sexual or physical abuse
·         A history of depression, anxiety or anger problems

Although there is no easy way to tell if your child is using drugs or alcohol there are some telltale signs. Detecting the signs of drug or alcohol use can be a matter of life or death as drug and alcohol use can lead to suicide or dangerous accidents in teens that consume drugs and alcohol. Some of the behavioral signs of drug or alcohol use that are seen especially in adolescent and teens boys include:

·         Increased aggression
·         Change in relationships with family members or friends
·         Mood changes or excessive anger
·         Impulsive behaviors
·         Obnoxious, loud behavior
·         Withdrawn, sullen, or angry
·         Silent or uncommunicative
·         Decreased Motivation
·         Frequently breaks curfew or disappearances for long periods of time

Even the healthiest brightest teenagers can use drugs and alcohol. Alcohol is widely available at parties, in family homes, and at football games. Teen boys may feel pressured to use drugs or alcohol if other boys on the football team are drinking at a party. It is not safe to assume that just because your adolescent teen boy is successful or popular that he could not develop a problem with alcohol. If you notice any of the above signs in your teenager get help right away. Find a qualified treatment program that specializes in treating alcohol and drug abuse in teen males.